Arthritis Specialist
Riverwalk Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy located in Bridgewater, Raritan, NJ
Chronic arthritis can make some or all of your joints miserably painful, stiff, and weak. If you've got problems with any form of arthritis, Peter Woghiren, DPT, and the team at Riverwalk Physical Therapy in Raritan, New Jersey, can help. They offer safe, effective therapies for arthritis that can reduce your need for medications and may help you avoid surgery. To find out how you can benefit from physical therapy for your arthritis, call Riverwalk Physical Therapy today or book an appointment online.
Arthritis Q & A
What is arthritis?
Arthritis is a musculoskeletal disorder that causes chronic joint pain. The condition takes many forms, with osteoarthritis the most common. Osteoarthritis usually starts causing symptoms when you reach middle age, although younger people can get it as a result of joint injuries.
The gradually worsening stiffness and pain in your joints that osteoarthritis causes result from the wearing away of cartilage, a smooth layer of tissue that covers and protects the ends of your bones.
The next most common form of the disease is rheumatoid arthritis. This condition is more likely to develop at a younger age and is sometimes known as juvenile arthritis.
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder, which means your immune system has a fault that causes it to attack cells in your joint linings. This type of arthritis can cause severe joint inflammation, distortion, and loss of function.
Arthritis has no cure, and most forms deteriorate over time. You might experience flare-ups, when the pain worsens to an excruciating level then recedes, but the symptoms never go away completely. Living with arthritis is generally challenging and causes significant disability.
What treatments can help with arthritis?
There are limited options for treating arthritis, and many patients become dependent on increasingly potent pain relief medications.
Medical approaches to combating arthritis symptoms include injections of steroids or hyaluronic acid, with the final option being joint replacement surgery.
Physical therapy offers a less drastic but highly effective alternative. Your provider at Riverwalk Physical Therapy could use a variety of techniques to treat your arthritis, such as:
- Stretching
- Strengthening
- Massage therapy
- Reconditioning activities
- Therapeutic ultrasound
- Electric stimulation
- Hot and cold packs
- Laser therapy
Your personalized care plan may include some or all of these treatments. Your therapist at Riverwalk Physical Therapy performs a thorough assessment of your arthritis and factors in information like your age and other health problems before preparing your program.
How effective is physical therapy for arthritis?
Physical therapy is a highly effective treatment for arthritis, both alongside medical treatments and as the primary therapy. It's easy to get weaker and stiffer when you have arthritis because the pain in your joints makes you reluctant to exercise.
As arthritis worsens, you might move as little as possible to avoid pain, but this approach allows the deterioration in your joints to accelerate. Your physical therapist can show you how to stay mobile without inflaming your joints. Moving correctly delays symptom progression and minimizes your requirement for medication.
Balance and coordination frequently decline as arthritis progresses, and you might struggle with certain tasks. Your therapist helps you learn to manage these challenging activities and take steps to improve your balance and coordination.
It's also vital for your mental health that you stay active.
If arthritis is causing you pain and distress, get expert help from the team at Riverwalk Physical Therapy. Call the office or book an appointment online today.